A comprehensive, compliant, cloud-based solution that delivers a simplified experience.
A comprehensive, compliant, cloud-based solution that delivers a simplified experience
A COBRA Experience Like No Other
The Healthy Dollars, Inc. COBRA solution delivers a simplified approach to what is inherently a complex, challenging and time-consuming HR function. Enhanced capabilities and first-of-its-kind self-service tools enable employers to not only streamline COBRA communications, reporting, enrollment, and billing and payment processes but also offer an enhanced participant experience that seamlessly guides employees through the post-employment health benefits process in a simplified and meaningful way.
Use the links below to download information about our COBRA administration offerings.
During what is undoubtedly a difficult period of time for your employees, you can rest assured knowing they have access to the tools and resources they need to successfully enroll in and manage their COBRA account. We make it easy!
Online election options allow for easy enrollment
Online participant portal offers 24/7
access to plan information
Electronic payment options and 24/7 access to payment & plan history and data
Fill in the form or call to set up a meeting at 877-900-6979
5 Carmichael Street, Essex, VT 05452 | PO Box 8592, Essex, VT 05451
All Rights Reserved | Healthy Dollars